Kraken Electric

Serving Coquitlam and the Greater Vancouver area

  • Emergency services

    Power Outage? Electrical Emergency? We’re Here to Help!

  • interior Design

    Bring your visions to light!

  • commercial services

    Our commercial electrical services are designed to meet the unique needs of businesses across all industries

Schedule Appointment

📞 (604) 761-4072

All estimates are free and flexible. Kraken Electric is an electrical contracting business located in Coquitlam, BC



Integrity, pride, and a hard work ethic are some of the many qualities I was raised on by my father. He taught me that true success comes from dedication, passion, and a commitment to doing things the right way. Throughout my 15 years of experience as an electrician, I have always carried these principles with me. They guide every project I undertake, ensuring that I deliver quality work and uphold the highest standards. These values are the foundation upon which Kraken Electric was built, and they continue to drive my mission to provide exceptional service.