Top Electrical Contractors in Port Moody

Introduction - How we selected our picks for top Electrical Contractors

When it comes to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your home or business's electrical systems, selecting the right electrical contractor in Port Moody is paramount. With a plethora of options at your disposal, navigating the sea of service providers can be daunting. It's crucial to consider a variety of factors, such as experience, licensing, customer reviews, and the range of services offered, to make an informed decision. While our guide aims to illuminate the path towards finding top-notch electrical contractors in the area, it's important to note that our perspective is not without bias, blind spots and .

Looking at the list of top electrical contractors in Port Moody, it's hard not to notice that we've shamelessly crowned ourselves the champions. Yes, we admit, picking Kraken Electric as the top contender might seem a bit, well, biased. But in a sea of options, who better to trust than the company that not only knows its way around a circuit breaker but also isn't afraid to be transparent in the ranking process.

Why Quality Electrical Services Matter

When it comes to the electrical safety and efficiency of your home or business, there's no room for compromise. The importance of enlisting professional, quality electrical services goes beyond mere convenience; it's a matter of safety, reliability, and peace of mind. Skimping on electrical work can lead to dire consequences, including fire hazards, equipment damage, and even personal injury. Here's why prioritizing quality in electrical services is non-negotiable:

  • Safety First: Electrical work is inherently dangerous. Proper installation, maintenance, and repair are crucial to preventing accidents. Quality electrical contractors adhere to safety standards and regulations, minimizing risks to occupants and properties.

  • Efficiency and Reliability: High-quality electrical work ensures that systems run efficiently, which can save on energy costs and reduce the carbon footprint of your property. Reliable electrical systems mean fewer disruptions to your daily life or business operations, thanks to properly installed and maintained wiring, outlets, and fixtures.

  • Long-Term Savings: While it might be tempting to go with the lowest bid for electrical work, the adage "you get what you pay for" rings especially true here. Inferior work can lead to frequent malfunctions, which necessitate repairs or even complete overhauls down the line. Investing in quality electrical services upfront can save you from hefty expenses caused by subpar work.

  • Expertise and Peace of Mind: Professional electrical contractors bring a wealth of experience and knowledge. They can spot potential problems before they become serious, offer solutions that you might not have considered, and ensure that all work is up to current codes and standards. Knowing that your electrical system is in expert hands provides peace of mind.

While we at Kraken Electric might playfully boast about being the best choice, we genuinely believe in the importance of quality electrical services. Our commitment to excellence, safety, and customer satisfaction drives us to be at the forefront of electrical contractors in Port Moody. Sure, we're biased in picking ourselves, but it's a bias built on a solid foundation of delivering top-notch electrical solutions. Let's illuminate the path to safety and efficiency together, ensuring your electrical systems are not just adequate but exceptional.

What to Look for in an Electrical Contractor

Choosing the right electrical contractor is not just about finding someone to get the job done; it's about ensuring the job is done right, safely, and efficiently. As you embark on this crucial selection process, here are key factors to consider that will guide you to make an informed decision:

  • Licensing and Certifications: First and foremost, ensure that any electrical contractor you consider is fully licensed and certified according to local regulations. This is non-negotiable. A licensed electrician has undergone the necessary training and examinations to perform electrical work safely and competently. Ask for their license number and verify it with the local licensing board.

  • Experience: Experience matters in the electrical world. Look for contractors who have a proven track record of handling projects similar to yours. Experienced electricians bring a depth of knowledge that can help them troubleshoot complex issues, adhere to best practices, and provide insights that only come from years in the field.

  • Reputation: A contractor's reputation can speak volumes about their quality of work and customer service. Read reviews, ask for references, and check out testimonials from previous clients. A consistent pattern of positive feedback is a good indicator of reliability and professionalism.

  • Services Offered: Electrical contractors can specialize in a range of services, from residential to commercial, new installations to repairs, electrical service upgrades to EV Charger installations and everything in between. Ensure the contractor you choose offers the specific services you need. It's also worth considering contractors who provide a broad range of services, as this can indicate a wide skill set and the ability to handle any electrical challenges that may arise.

  • Estimates and Quotes: Transparent pricing is crucial. Reputable electrical contractors should be willing to provide detailed estimates or quotes before commencing work. This not only helps you budget accordingly but also reduces the risk of unexpected costs. Be wary of quotes that seem too good to be true—they often are.

  • Professionalism and Communication: The manner in which a contractor communicates and presents themselves can offer insight into their work ethic and professionalism. Look for contractors who respond promptly, answer your questions clearly, and treat you with respect. Effective communication throughout the project is key to a successful partnership.

At Kraken Electric, we understand the importance of each of these factors and strive to exceed expectations in every area. Our dedication to professionalism, quality service, and customer satisfaction makes us a leading choice in Port Moody—bias acknowledged, of course. As you navigate your options, remember that choosing the right electrical contractor will ensure not only the success of your project but also your safety and peace of mind.

In Port Moody, residents and business owners have access to a range of highly skilled electrical contractors. Each brings its unique strengths to the table, from decades of experience to cutting-edge technology solutions. Below, we highlight some of the top electrical contractors in the area, including, with a wink and a nod, our own Kraken Electric. While we unabashedly include ourselves on this list, we encourage you to consider the unique attributes of each to find the best fit for your needs.

Now, onto the list!

#1 - Kraken Electric

Of course we’ve put ourselves as number 1! Contact us today to get a quote on your upcoming Electrical project in Port Moody or surrounding locations.

  • Background: With a name inspired by the power and mystique of the legendary sea monster, Kraken Electric prides itself on tackling electrical challenges of all sizes with precision and expertise. Founded on the principles of quality, safety, and customer satisfaction, we've quickly risen to become a go-to provider in Port Moody.

  • Services Offered: From residential rewiring to commercial installations and emergency repairs, Kraken Electric offers a comprehensive range of services. We're especially proud of our smart home solutions and energy efficiency consultations, helping clients navigate the future of electrical technology.

  • Unique Selling Points: What sets us apart is our commitment to personalized service and growing connections to our clients. As a small electrical company, you’re guaranteed to receive a high level of care from Mike who has a vested interest in providing you excellent service as the owner and operator of the business.

  • Customer Testimonials: Our clients often highlight our professionalism, timely service, and transparent pricing. We've built strong relationships based on trust and high-quality work, a testament to our dedication to excellence.

#2 - Colwin Electrical


With a longstanding presence in the Port Moody area, Colwin Electrical has built a reputation based on trust, excellence, and an unwavering commitment to community values. Their team, composed of highly skilled professionals, has been illuminating homes and powering businesses with unparalleled expertise for years.

Services Offered

Colwin Electrical specializes in a broad spectrum of electrical services, including but not limited to comprehensive electrical inspections, custom residential wiring, commercial electrical solutions, and innovative lighting designs. They are particularly noted for their expertise in safety upgrades, ensuring that all electrical systems meet the latest safety standards.

Unique Selling Points

Colwin Electrical sets itself apart through its dedication to safety and customer education. They prioritize not just the completion of a project but also ensuring that clients understand the work done and how it enhances the safety and efficiency of their electrical systems. Additionally, their emergency response team is highly responsive, providing peace of mind to clients around the clock.

Customer Testimonials

Feedback from Colwin Electrical’s clients consistently highlights their professionalism, thoroughness, and the clarity with which they explain complex electrical concepts. Customers appreciate the detailed attention to safety and the proactive measures the company takes to ensure all installations and repairs are of the highest quality.

By including Colwin Electrical in the list of top electrical contractors in Port Moody, we recognize a provider known for its deep commitment to safety, education, and quality service. Their approach goes beyond mere installations and repairs, focusing on empowering clients with knowledge and ensuring their environments are safe and efficiently powered. Whether facing an emergency electrical issue or planning a major renovation, Colwin Electrical offers the expertise, reliability, and peace of mind that homeowners and businesses in Port Moody seek.

Castle Electric


Castle Electric has cemented its position as a cornerstone of the Port Moody community through its steadfast dedication to quality, reliability, and service excellence. Their seasoned team of experts brings light and power to residential and commercial properties alike, showcasing unmatched skill and dedication.

Services Offered:

Offering a wide range of electrical services, Castle Electric excels in everything from detailed electrical inspections and bespoke residential wiring solutions to comprehensive commercial projects and state-of-the-art lighting systems. They are particularly renowned for their ability to seamlessly integrate the latest technologies into their projects, ensuring modern and efficient electrical systems.

Unique Selling Points:

Castle Electric distinguishes itself with a strong focus on technological innovation and customer-centric solutions. They are committed to not only completing projects to the highest standards but also ensuring clients are fully informed and comfortable with the technological enhancements made to their electrical systems. Their round-the-clock emergency service further underscores their dedication to client safety and satisfaction.

Customer Testimonials:

Rated 4.9 Stars on Google with (64) reviews

Clients consistently praise Castle Electric for their cutting-edge solutions, timely execution, and exceptional customer service. The team’s ability to demystify complex electrical installations and provide forward-thinking solutions is particularly valued, as is their adherence to safety and efficiency standards.

Incorporating Castle Electric into Port Moody's list of esteemed electrical contractors acknowledges their contribution to advancing electrical services in the community. With a keen eye on the future of electrical technology and a heart rooted in customer satisfaction, Castle Electric is a beacon of innovation and reliability for those seeking sophisticated electrical solutions.

#4 Intropro Electric Services


Intropro Electric Services shines in the Port Moody electrical landscape, recognized for blending traditional craftsmanship with the latest in electrical innovation. Their team, known for its agility and expertise, delivers exceptional electrical solutions to homes and businesses, fostering a safer and more connected community.

Services Offered:

Intropro stands out for its comprehensive suite of services, which includes advanced home automation, eco-friendly energy solutions, and bespoke lighting designs, in addition to traditional electrical maintenance and installation. Their proficiency in smart technology and energy efficiency projects positions them as leaders in the electrical field.

Unique Selling Points:

The hallmark of Intropro Electric Services is their pioneering approach to integrating smart home technologies and sustainable energy solutions into their projects. Their commitment to educating clients about the benefits of these innovations, coupled with a proactive stance on environmental stewardship, sets them apart. The availability of their emergency services further exemplifies their dedication to client well-being.

Customer Testimonials:

Rated 5 Stars on Google with (4) reviews

Feedback from Intropro’s clientele often highlights the team's innovative thinking, reliability, and exceptional service. Their expertise in transforming homes and businesses with the latest electrical technologies garners special appreciation, as does their commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.

#5 Mason Electric


Mason Electric has built a stellar reputation in Port Moody for its dependable service, technical proficiency, and customer-focused approach. Specializing in a broad spectrum of electrical services, they have become a trusted name for both residential and commercial clients seeking quality and reliability.

Services Offered:

Mason Electric's offerings include detailed electrical assessments, custom wiring solutions, and comprehensive services for commercial clients. They are notably adept at enhancing electrical safety and functionality through their meticulous workmanship and state-of-the-art installations.

Unique Selling Points:

What sets Mason Electric apart is their unwavering commitment to delivering tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients. Their emphasis on clear communication and transparency in all aspects of their service ensures that clients are well-informed and satisfied with the outcome of each project. Their dedication to safety and quality is evident in every job they undertake.

Customer Testimonials:

Rated 5 Stars on Google with (3) reviews

Clients frequently commend Mason Electric for their professionalism, punctuality, and exceptional work quality. The company’s ability to address complex electrical challenges with ease and efficiency is particularly valued, as is their transparent pricing and customer service excellence.

#6 Centrum Solutions


Centrum Solutions has earned its place as a leader in the Port Moody electrical services sector, thanks to its comprehensive approach to electrical contracting. With a focus on innovation, safety, and customer satisfaction, they deliver top-tier services to both residential and commercial clients.

Services Offered:

This company prides itself on a wide array of electrical services, ranging from routine maintenance and repairs to complex installations and cutting-edge lighting solutions. Their expertise in creating safe, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing electrical systems sets them apart in the industry.

Unique Selling Points:

Centrum Solutions is known for its meticulous attention to detail and a proactive approach to utilizing the latest electrical technologies and practices. Their commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction through high-quality work and responsive service is a hallmark of their business ethos. Additionally, their emergency electrical services underscore their dedication to client safety and peace of mind.

Customer Testimonials:

Rated 4.7 Stars on Google with (66) reviews

The professionalism, expertise, and courteous service provided by Centrum Solutions are consistently praised by their clients. Their ability to deliver reliable and innovative electrical solutions, coupled with their commitment to safety and efficiency, earns them high marks across the board.

How to Choose the Right Contractor for Your Needs

Choosing the right electrical contractor is a critical decision that impacts the safety, functionality, and efficiency of your property. To ensure you make the best choice, consider the following steps:

  1. Assess Your Project Needs: Clearly define the scope of your project. Whether it's a minor repair, a major renovation, or specialized services like smart home integration, understanding your needs will help you identify contractors with the right expertise.

  2. Verify Licenses and Certifications: Always choose a contractor with the necessary licenses and certifications. This ensures they meet the industry standards for safety and professionalism.

  3. Evaluate Experience and Reputation: Look for contractors with a strong track record and positive customer reviews. Experience in projects similar to yours is a good indicator of their ability to meet your specific needs.

  4. Request Detailed Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple contractors to compare prices. However, don't make your decision based solely on cost. Consider the value and quality of service offered.

  5. Check for Insurance and Warranty: Ensure the contractor carries liability insurance and offers a warranty on their work. This protects you against potential damages and ensures the longevity of the work performed.

  6. Evaluate Communication and Customer Service: Choose a contractor who communicates clearly and effectively. Good communication is essential for a successful project outcome.

Ensuring a Smooth Working Relationship

Once you've selected an electrical contractor, there are a few key practices to follow for a smooth and successful working relationship:

  • Set Clear Expectations: Discuss all aspects of the project in detail, including timelines, budgets, and specific requirements. Clear expectations help prevent misunderstandings.

  • Establish a Communication Plan: Agree on a regular communication schedule to discuss progress and any issues that arise. This keeps the project on track and allows for timely adjustments.

  • Be Prepared for Flexibility: While it's important to have a plan, be prepared for unexpected changes. Flexibility can help navigate unforeseen challenges more effectively.

  • Maintain Documentation: Keep records of all contracts, changes to the scope of work, and communications. This documentation can be invaluable in resolving any disputes or clarifying agreements.


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